Communications in Analysis and Geometry

Volume 30 (2022)

Number 6

Extremally Ricci pinched $G_2$-structures on Lie groups

Pages: 1355 – 1389



Jorge Lauret (Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, FaMAF and CIEM, Córdoba, Argentina)

Marina Nicolini (Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, FaMAF and CIEM, Córdoba, Argentina)


Only two examples of extremally Ricci pinched $G_2$-structures can be found in the literature and they are both homogeneous. We study in this paper the existence and structure of such very special closed $G_2$-structures on Lie groups. Strong structural conditions on the Lie algebra are proved to hold. As an application, we obtain three new examples of extremally Ricci pinched $G_2$-structures and that they are all necessarily steady Laplacian solitons. The deformation and rigidity of such structures are also studied.

The authors’ research was partially supported by grants from CONICET, FONCYT and Universidad Nacional de Córdoba.

Received 27 January 2018

Accepted 27 December 2019

Published 26 April 2023