Communications in Mathematical Sciences

Volume 14 (2016)

Number 6

Eulerian and Lagrangian formulations in $BV^s$ for gas-solid chromatography

Pages: 1665 – 1685



C. Bourdarias (Université de Savoie, le Bourget-du-Lac, France)

M. Gisclon (Université de Savoie, le Bourget-du-Lac, France)

S. Junca (Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis, Nice, France; and Team Coffee, INRIA Méditérannée, Sophia-Antipolis, France)

Y.-J. Peng (Université Blaise Pascal, Aubière, France)


An initial-boundary value problem for a chemical system with unknown velocity related to gas chromatography is considered. The system is hyperbolic and existence of entropy solutions is achieved in fractional $BV$ spaces: $BV^s , s \geq 1/3$, with less regularity than usual. We prove that $BV^{1/3}$ is the critical space for this problem. A Lagrangian formulation of the system for the initial value problem provides a smoothing effect in $BV$ and uniqueness when the first gas is more active than the second one.


chromatography, conservation laws, fractional $BV$ spaces, boundary problem, convex flux, entropy solution, Lagrangian coordinates, Cauchy problem, uniqueness, regularity

2010 Mathematics Subject Classification

35B44, 35B65, 35L65, 35L67

Published 12 August 2016