Mathematical Research Letters

Volume 6 (1999)

Number 1


Multilinear estimates and fractional integration

Carlos E. Kenig and Elias M. Stein

pp. 1-15

Identification of two frobenius manifolds

Huai-Dong Cao and Jian Zhou

pp. 17-29

Beyond Liouvillian transcendence

C. Camacho and B. Azevedo Scárdua

pp. 31-41

An Isometric Imbedding Theorem for Holomorphic Bundles

David W. Catlin and John P. D'Angelo

pp. 43-60

The associated primes of initial ideals of lattice ideals

Serkan Ho\c{s}ten and Rekha R. Thomas

pp. 83-97

Energy Scattering for Hartree Equations

Kenji Nakanishi

pp. 107-118

Quantization of Symplectic Cobordisms

Levente Korpás and Alejandro Uribe

pp. 119-129