Mathematical Research Letters

Volume 7 (2000)

Number 6


Real time solution of nonlinear filtering problem without memory I

Shing-Tung Yau and Stephen S.-T. Yau

pp. 671-693

Line bundles, rational points and ideal classes

A. Agboola and G. Pappas

pp. 709-717

Eisenstein series twisted by modular symbols for the group $\SL _{n}$

Dorian Goldfeld and Paul E. Gunnells

pp. 747-756

Homology 3-spheres bounding acyclic 4-manifolds

Y. Fukumoto and M. Furuta

pp. 757-766

Boundedness of Bilinear Operators with nonsmooth symbols

John E. Gilbert and Andrea R. Nahmod

pp. 767-778

Mod 2 Seiberg-Witten invariants of homology tori

Daniel Ruberman and Savso Strle

pp. 789-799

Proof of the GGS Conjecture

Travis Schedler

pp. 801-826