Mathematical Research Letters

Volume 17 (2010)

Number 1

Equivariant Dixmier-Douady Classes

Pages: 127 – 145



Mathieu Stiénon (E.T.H. Zürich)


An equivariant bundle gerbe \`a la Meinrenken over a $G$-manifold $M$ is known to be a special type of $S^1$-gerbe over the differentiable stack $[M/G]$. We prove that the natural morphism relating the Cartan and simplicial models of equivariant cohomology in degree 3 maps the Dixmier-Douady class of an equivariant bundle gerbe \`a la Meinrenken to the Behrend-Xu-Dixmier-Douady class of the corresponding $S^1$-gerbe.

Published 1 January 2010