Statistics and Its Interface

Volume 1 (2008)

Number 1


Detecting the emergence of a signal in a noisy image

David Siegmund and Benjamin Yakir

pp. 3-12

Fast functional magnetic resonance imaging—a new approach towards neuroimaging

Zang-Hee Cho, Gary Glover, Martin A. Lindquist, Lawrence Shepp, and Cun-Hui Zhang

pp. 13-21

Detecting signals in FMRI data using powerful FDR procedures

Noel Cressie, Martina Pavlicová, and Thomas J. Santner

pp. 23-32

Nonparametric clustering of functional data

Forrest Miller, James Neill, and Haiyan Wang

pp. 47-62

Auto-multicategorical regression model for the distribution of vegetation

Fangliang He, Julie Zhou, and Hongtu Zhu

pp. 63-70

Application of potential outcomes to an intentional weight loss latent variable problem

David B. Allison, Christopher S. Coffey, Gary L. Gadbury, Scott W. Keith, and Thidaporn Supapakorn

pp. 87-97

Spectral change detection for deep-hole drilling

Anita S. Busch and Ursula Gather

pp. 115-123

Optimal biased coins for two-arm clinical trials

Thomas Gwise, Feifang Hu, and Jianhua Hu

pp. 125-135

LASSO-Patternsearch algorithm with application to ophthalmology and genomic data

Barbara Klein, Ronald Klein, Kristine Lee, Weiliang Shi, Grace Wahba, and Stephen Wright

pp. 137-153

Statistical methods with varying coefficient models

Jianqing Fan and Wenyang Zhang

pp. 179-195

A project of applied statistical methods in China: review and outlook

Zhi Geng, Jianhua Guo, Ning-Zhong Shi, and Jian Tao

pp. 197-207