Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics

Volume 3 (1999)

Number 5


The Vafa–Witten theory for gauge group $SU(N)$

J. M. F. Labastida and Carlos Lozano

pp. 1201-1225

Angular quantization of the Sine–Gordon model at the free fermion point

S. Khoroshkin, A. LeClair, and S. Pakuliak

pp. 1227-1287

BF description of higher-dimensional gravity theories

L. Freidel, K. Krasnov, and R. Puzio

pp. 1289-1324

On the gauge theory/geometry correspondence

Rajesh Gopakumar and Cumrun Vafa

pp. 1415-1443

M-theory, topological strings and spinning black holes

Sheldon Katz, Albrecht Klemm, and Cumrun Vafa

pp. 1445-1537

Quartic gauge couplings from $K3$ geometry

W. Lerche, S. Stieberger, and N. P. Warner

pp. 1575-1611

Prepotentials from symmetric products

W. Lerche, S. Stieberger, and N. P. Warner

pp. 1613-1634