Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics

Volume 6 (2002)

Number 4


Penrose limits of RG fixed points and PP-waves with background fluxes

Richard Corrado, Nick Halmagyi, Kristian D. Kennaway, and Nicholas P. Warner

pp. 597-617

Geometric transitions and open string instantons

D.-E. Diaconescu, B. Florea, and A. Grassi

pp. 619-642

Geometric transitions, del Pezzo surfaces and open string instantons

D.-E. Diaconescu, B. Florea, and A. Grassi

pp. 643-702

Supersymmetric Kaluza–Klein reductions of M2 and M5-branes

José Figueroa-O’Farrill and Joan Simón

pp. 703-793