Communications in Number Theory and Physics

Volume 16 (2022)

Number 1

On a class of non-simply connected Calabi-Yau $3$-folds with positive Euler characteristic

Pages: 159 – 213



Tolga Karayayla (Department of Mathematics, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey)


In this work we obtain a class of non-simply connected Calabi–Yau $3$ folds with positive Euler characteristic as the quotient of projective small resolutions of singular Schoen $3$ folds under the free action of finite groups. A Schoen $3$ fold is a fiber product $X = B_1 \times {}_{\mathbb{P}^1} \: B_2$ of two relatively minimal rational elliptic surfaces with section $\beta_i : B_i \to \mathbb{P}^1 , i = {1, 2}$. Schoen has shown that if $X$ is smooth, then $X$ is a simply connected Calabi–Yau $3$ fold, and if the only singularities of $X$ are on $\mathbb{I}_r \times \mathbb{I}_s$ type fibers with $r \gt 1$ and $s \gt 1$, then there exists a projective small resolution $\hat{X}$ of $X$, and $\hat{X}$ is a simply connected Calabi–Yau $3$ fold [7]. If $G$ is a finite group which acts freely on a smooth Schoen $3$ fold $X$, then the quotient $X/G$ is a non-simply connected Calabi–Yau $3$ fold with fundamental group $G$, and all such group actions have been classified by Bouchard and Donagi [2]. Bouchard and Donagi have proposed the open problem of classifying all finite groups $G$ which act freely on projective small resolutions $\hat{X}$ of singular Schoen $3$ folds $X$. In this case the quotient $\hat{X}/G$ is again a Calabi–Yau $3$ fold with fundamental group $G$. In this paper we first classify the finite groups $G$ which act freely on singular Schoen $3$ folds $X$ where the only singularities of $X$ are on $\mathbb{I}_r \times \mathbb{I}_s$ type fibers with $r \gt 1$ and $s \gt 1$ and the elements of $G$ act on $X$ as an automorphism $\tau_1 \times \tau_2$ where each $\tau_i$ is an automorphism of the elliptic surface $B_i$. A projective small resolution $\hat{X}$ of $X$ is obtained by blowing up some components of the $\mathbb{I}_r \times \mathbb{I}_s$ fibers on $X$. We determine which of the free actions on the singular $3$‑fold $X$ lift to free actions on the Calabi–Yau $3$ fold $\hat{X}$. For the non-simply connected Calabi–Yau $3$ folds $\hat{X}/G$ obtained with this construction, the distinct fundamental groups are $\mathbb{Z}_3 \times \mathbb{Z}_3$, $\mathbb{Z}_4 \times \mathbb{Z}_2$, $\mathbb{Z}_2 \times \mathbb{Z}_2$, and $\mathbb{Z}_n$ for $n = 6, 5, 4, 3, 2$. These are the same groups obtained by Bouchard and Donagi by working on free actions on smooth Schoen $3$ folds. While the Euler characteristic of each $X/G$ obtained by Bouchard and Donagi is $0$, the Euler characteristics of all non-simply connected Calabi–Yau $3$ folds $\hat{X}/G$ we obtain in this paper are positive and they range in: $64$, $54$, $48$, $40$ and $2k$ for $2 \leq k \leq 18$. The given Euler characteristic values do not all occur for each of the listed fundamental groups. The classification of finite groups which act freely on singular Schoen $3$ folds $X$ whose singularities are on $\mathbb{I}_r \times \mathbb{I}_s$ type fibers with $r \gt 1$ and $s \gt 1$, the classification of such group actions which lift to free actions on projective small resolutions $\hat{X}$ of $X$, and the fundamental groups and Euler characteristic values of the non-simply connected Calabi–Yau $3$ folds $\hat{X }/G$ are displayed in several tables. The study of the group actions on $X$ which induce a non-trivial action on the base curve $\mathbb{P}^1$ and which induce a trivial action on $\mathbb{P}^1$ is carried out separately.


Calabi–Yau $3$-folds, Schoen $3$-folds, fiber product of relatively minimal rational elliptic surfaces with section, nonsimply connected Calabi–Yau $3$-folds, group actionss, automorphisms of rational elliptic surfaces

2010 Mathematics Subject Classification

14J27, 14J30, 14J32, 14J50, 14L30

This work has been supported by Middle East Technical University Scientific Research Projects Coordination Unit under grant number GAP-101-2018-2789.

Received 15 September 2020

Accepted 17 December 2021

Published 1 February 2022