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Methods and Applications of Analysis
Volume 23 (2016)
Number 3
Minimizers for open-shell, spin-polarised Kohn–Sham equations for non-relativistic and quasi-relativistic molecular systems
Pages: 269 – 292
We study the open-shell, spin-polarized Kohn–Sham models for non-relativistic and quasi-relativistic $N$-electron Coulomb systems, that is, systems where the kinetic energy of the electrons is given by either the non-relativistic operator $-\Delta_{x_n}$ or the quasi-relativistic operator $\sqrt{- \alpha^{-2} \Delta_{x_n} + \alpha^{-4}} - \alpha^{-2}$. For standard and extended Kohn–Sham models in the local density approximation, we prove existence of a ground state (or minimizer) provided that the total charge $Z_{\mathrm{tot}}$ of $K$ nuclei is greater than $N-1$. For the quasi-relativistic setting we also need that $Z_{\mathrm{tot}}$ is smaller than a critical charge $Z_c = 2 \alpha^{-1} \pi^{-1}$.
open-shell, spin-polarised Kohn–Sham equations, ground state, variational methods, concentration-compactness
2010 Mathematics Subject Classification
Primary 35J60. Secondary 47J10, 58Z05, 81V55.
Published 9 November 2016