Mathematical Research Letters

Volume 1 (1994)

Number 2


Cohen-Macaulayness in graded algebras

Joseph Lipman

pp. 149-157

Van Kampen’s embedding Obstruction is incomplete for $2$-Complexes in $\rz^{4}$

Michael H. Freedman, Vyacheslav S. Krushkal, and Peter Teichner

pp. 167-176

A Sobolev Inequality and Neumann Heat Kernel Estimate for Unbounded Domains

Z. Q. Chen, R. J. Williams, and Z. Zhao

pp. 177-184

An algebra of pseudodifferential operators

Johannes Sjöstrand

pp. 185-192

Commutative algebra in stable homotopy theory and a completion theorem

A. D. Elmendorf, P. C. Greenlees, I. Kriz, and J. P. May

pp. 225-239

An isoperimetric inequality and the geometric Sobolev embedding for vector fields

Luca Capogna, Donatella Danielli, and Nicola Garofalo

pp. 263-268

A mathematical theory of quantum cohomology

Yongbin Ruan and Gang Tian

pp. 269-278